Rhythm Cells

•  There are only 12 rhythmic shapes used in western sheet music.

•  Eight 4-count rhythmic shapes.

•  Four 3-count rhythmic shapes.
   -These are also used for 'triplet' figures.

•  Combine these 12 shapes with rests and ties to create any rhythm!.


= sharp = +1
= flat = -1
n = natural = white key

Enharmonic Equivalence

Overlap in note names
Cs = Db, Ds = Eb, Fs = Gb, Gs = Ab, As = Bb

Black keys are always or ,
but some white keys can also be or .
This is because the keys B & C, and E & F are adjacent,
there are no black keys separating them.

Bs = Cn, Cb = Bn, Es = Fn, Fb = En