Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are used to analyze chords - 'Roman Numeral Analysis' (RNA).
There are three main conventions:
jazz (Mark Levine),
and the Nashville Number System (NNS).
I generally work with more modern music than classical, so I will primarily be using the jazz conventions. It is important to follow the conventions of whatever circle you happen to be in. "Bad conventions are better than no conventions at all."
Roman numerals are used to abstract chord progressions, the same way scale degrees are used to abstract melodies.
There are three main conventions:
jazz (Mark Levine),
and the Nashville Number System (NNS).
I generally work with more modern music than classical, so I will primarily be using the jazz conventions. It is important to follow the conventions of whatever circle you happen to be in. "Bad conventions are better than no conventions at all."
Roman numerals are used to abstract chord progressions, the same way scale degrees are used to abstract melodies.
Major tonal centers
1, 2-, 3-, 4, 5, 6-, 7
Minor tonal centers
6-, 7